Jodi Ohl

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Creating Through Struggles: Navigating Creative Blocks with Resilience

Navigating Creative Blocks and Life’s Struggles

Are you an artist facing life's struggles head-on? If so, you're not alone. Few of us journey through life without encountering moments that test our resolve or present seemingly insurmountable obstacles. These challenges can make it difficult to pursue our creative passions, especially when they involve our loved ones. This is a topic I’ve had many questions from students during Q & A sessions. It’s something close to heart especially now for me so I thought I’d share my strategies and thoughts with you.

Recently, I've been grappling with this myself. The past few weeks have been particularly challenging, though the struggles extend further back. Yet, I've come to understand that none of us are immune to such trials.

As creatives, there are moments when mustering the energy to step into our studios feels like an impossible task. Obligations pull us in different directions—whether it's the needs of our children, the absence of a partner due to travel, caring for aging parents, or coping with the loss of a loved one. Financial strains or health issues can further compound these difficulties, leaving us feeling drained and incapable of creating.

Personally, I've experienced a similar journey. But through it all, I've learned to extend grace to myself—something I now extend to you. Here are ten strategies to navigate these challenging times:

New Giclees will be available beginning 3/1/2024 at 12 PM EST. Bookmark the shop HERE.

1. Prioritize Rest: Ensure you're well-rested enough to face life's challenges head-on. Without proper rest, it's challenging to summon the creativity needed to thrive.

2. Reevaluate Your Schedule: Take a critical look at your schedule. Can you rearrange appointments or negotiate deadlines to create space for self-care and creativity?

3. Embrace Short Sessions: Even if studio time is limited, remember that progress can be made in short bursts. Ten-minute increments, if focused, can yield significant results.

4. Accept Help: Don't hesitate to accept assistance from those around you. Whether it's running errands or lending an ear, allowing others to support you can lighten the load.

5. Nourish Your Body: Pay attention to your diet. Opt for nourishing foods that sustain your energy levels and foster creativity, even during hectic times.

Take a leap of creative faith and join my flagship abstract painting class, “Abstract Interactive” at a special discounted rate now through 3/4/2024.

6. Create On the Go: Maintain a portable art supply kit for moments when you're away from your studio. Capture your surroundings, emotions, or ideas in a sketchbook to revisit later.

7. Diversify Income Streams: Explore passive income opportunities within your artistic practice, such as courses, prints, or merchandise sales. Diversifying income sources can provide stability during challenging periods.

8. Prioritize Savings: Start saving for unexpected expenses or downturns in income. Allocate a portion of your earnings to a dedicated emergency fund, ensuring financial security during uncertain times.

9. Extend Grace: Be kind to yourself during difficult periods. Recognize that it's okay to prioritize self-care and well-being over productivity. Remember, your art will always be waiting for you when you're ready.

10. Cherish Moments: Finally, cherish the moments spent with loved ones, as these are precious and fleeting. Art can wait, but the opportunity to connect with those we care about may not.

In sharing these insights, I hope to offer solace and guidance to fellow artists navigating through adversity. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Together, we can overcome life's obstacles and continue to create, one step at a time.

With love and gratitude,


While you are here-check out my next 5-day workshop on Contemporary Abstract Art. If you are ready to dive in and immerse yourself in some of my best practices and techniques to take your abstract art to the next level, join me in Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 8th through the 12th, 2024.